HICC International Chairman, Alejandro Del Valle, President – HBC International, Jorge Dávila Flores, President – Concanaco Servytur and Reggie Gray, President – HICC
A recent partnership with ProMéxico (arm of the Mexican government responsible for marketing and economic development) and now additional partnerships with Concanaco Servytur (Mexico’s national federation of chambers of commerce) and CANACINTRA (Mexican chamber representing industrial interests) will provide access to over 1 million businesses in Mexico. The agreements with ProMéxico, Concanaco and CANACINTRA have never been collectively executed until now with HICC. HICC is the only chamber in Texas and the U.S. with this combined collaborative partnership.
Gray also toured the new offices of HICC which opened this month in Mexico City. “We feel this is an advantageous position, as the State of Texas also has an office in Mexico City. This provides HICC an opportunity for better collaboration with the state economic development prospects for Mexico and Latin America.” Gray went on to state, “It is an honor to be selected as a strategic economic development partner here in Texas and the U.S. by the government of Mexico (ProMéxico), Concanaco and Canacintra. We have numerous projects already being developed.”For more information contact the Houston Intercontinental Chamber of Commerce at 281.408.0866, visit their website.