Wednesday, September 25, 2013
6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.


Kathleen English, AIA, LEED AP
Managing Principal, English & Associates Architects

Nell Wheeler
Owner, Water Conscious Rainwater Collection

Alfred Ortega
Division Manager, City of Houston Plumbing Inspection

Green Building Resource Center
City of Houston Public Works and Engineering
Houston Permitting Center
1002 Washington Avenue
Houston 77002

Rain tanks are becoming more popular in Houston after the recent drought. What does it take to design them, permit them, and build them?

Kathleen English will cover some rainwater harvesting systems she has designed, both commercial and residential. Nell Wheeler will talk about some of the tanks she has built and installed. And Alfred Ortega will briefly discuss what City of Houston inspectors will be looking for to approve an installation.

This event is limited to 75 attendees. Please RSVP to Steve Stelzer at [email protected] or 832.394.9050 prior to the event. See for more details and a map.

Green buildings provide greater energy efficiency, saving money for owners and users, and the reuse of materials is better for the environment. Ultimately, they foster a happier and healthier workplace for employees. In partnership with the Texas Gulf Coast Chapter of the US Green Building Council, the Green Building Resource Center, within the LEED Gold Houston Permitting Center, hosts periodic programs to educate the public about green building practices.

Green Building Resource Center

To learn more about City of Houston sustainability efforts, visit