Texas Stream Team is a network of trained citizen monitors and supportive partners working together to gather information about the natural resources of Texas and to ensure the information is available to all Texans.
Established in 1991, Texas Stream Team is administered through a cooperative partnership between Texas State University, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Currently, hundreds of Texas Stream Team citizen monitors collect water quality data on lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, bays, bayous, and estuaries in Texas.
Texas Stream Team is a program of the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University. For more information visit their website.
Clean bayous are of paramount importance to the health of water resources. Clearing trash and removing debris not only beautifies the environment, it also keeps the animals and plants healthy. The Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition (GBCC) organized a clean-up on March 15th of the bayou close to Wussow Park. If you are interested to help please see flyer for details.