Bonding Against Adversity in partnership with San Leo Catholic Church located at 2131 Lauder Road Houston, Texas 77039 need your help for our next Citizenship Workshop event Saturday June 18, 2016 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. In the Community Center. Parking is available in front of the church. Please see the attached flyer for more information. We will need volunteers to assist the immigrant community with applications for the Naturalization (N-400) and other immigration issues. We are in need of volunteers and Volunteers Lawyers to assist us with this process. We will be training those interested in assisting Legal Permanent Residents to complete their application for Naturalization, with training beginning promptly at 8:00 am.

However, we will be also needing volunteers to assist with other general event activities students can participate and we will offer community service hours. Your willingness to help Bonding Against Adversity, the Community at San Leo Catholic Church is very important and is always appreciated. Feel free to share this information to your contacts.

Thank you in advance and look forward to seeing you there.