We invite you to come and help us to our next Citizenship Workshop on Saturday, May 20th at San Leo Catholic Church with the goal of assisting Lawful Permanent Residents apply for U.S. Citizenship. We need more volunteers than ever to help meet the demand for naturalization assistance.
Below are a testimony from Mrs. Brooke she along with many volunteers came to help us every workshop to help Legal Residents to fill out their Citizenship applications.
“I came to this country when I was 11 years old. While helping my parents with their applications to become citizens, I learned the value of helping others and continue to do so as a teacher and a volunteer. My family once needed help and I understand that other people need help too.” – Mrs. Brooks, Hambrick Middle School
Like Mrs. Brook, you can help us next Saturday, May 20, at San Leo Catholic Church by assisting applicants with their Citizenship application to become naturalized U.S. citizens. We hope you can make it. Below you will find all details needed, see you there!
San Leo Catholic Church Immigration Forum
When: Saturday, May 20th 8:00 Registration and breakfast (8:30 a.m. training)
Where: San Leo Catholic Church 2131 Lauder Road Houston Texas 77039
What: We will be helping Permanent Residents apply for Naturalization. Training will start promptly at 8:30 AM
Coffee, breakfast, and snacks will be providing.
Bonding Against Adversity serving the North Community with our Mission “Helping Others Help Themselves”