PLEASE SAVE THE DATE! Tuesday, December 12, 2017, 11am – 1pm. The Buckner Family Hope Center in Aldine will be holding their Christmas Open House and Toy Drive at the Buckner Family Hope Center in Aldine. They are inviting you to come by to enjoy delicious holiday snacks, network with other community business/organizations/churches (bring business cards!), and take a tour of the Center to learn more about their present programs and services and our plans for 2018. If you are already familiar with their organization, they’d love for you to come and say hello and support their toy drive. This is also a great opportunity for you to invite others to come with you and introduce them to their center and staff. They know this is a busy season, so even if you don’t have a lot of time, come and stay as long as your schedule will allow! They will have a short program beginning at 11:45am, so please try to be there during that time.

They are asking you to help them bring smiles to the hearts and faces of over 400 community children by donating unwrapped toys. Please consider planning a toy drive at your business, church, school, service organization, etc. All donations will be greatly appreciated! The invitation is attached, so feel free to forward to others and encourage them to join them in this project. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, please let the Center know, that would be greatly appreciated.

The Buckner Family Hope Center in Aldine is entering its 28th years of service to our community, and would love to meet as many people as possible for this upcoming season. If you cannot come, but would like to donate toys to support their drive, please see the attached Toy Drive flyer and let the Center know. Everyone is welcome. Please RSVP as soon as possible, but by Thursday, December 7th! They are looking forward to greeting you on December 12th, between 11 – 1pm! If you have any questions or need more info, please contact the Center.

If you are interested in sponsoring a family, they have identified about 35 families who have special additional needs, especially with the ongoing affects of Hurricane Harvey this year. Please read the attached info describing the program. Please email Shawna Roy at [email protected] ASAP if you want to sponsor a family and she will communicate with you and provide more details.