Apoyo a la salud mental, 18 de sept.
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Download the presentation (PDF) Helpful information referenced in the presentation: Business Resilience Guide Webinar Sept. 23 Cyber Summit https://bit.ly/SBACyberSummit2024 National Small Business Week Awards Guidance: www.sba.gov/nsbw and upcoming webinars Disaster Declaration: https://lending.sba.gov/search-disaster/?disaster=TX-20016. I have also attached the most recent Disaster Recovery Center location listing. Find all Upcoming Events: https://www.sba.gov/events?district=35
Houston, get ready for an incredible opportunity! The first-ever Total Army Career Fair is coming to NRG Stadium on September 6 and 7, 2024 from 10 AM – 4 PM, bringing hundreds of job opportunities right to your doorstep! Representatives from 43 Army commands worldwide are coming right here to Houston, offering on-the-spot interviews and [...]
Free goody bag for kids! Register online to receive yours at the check-in table. Register Today
Free family event
Join us for our resource fair, where community partners will provide resources and information on disaster preparedness. Take advantage of this opportunity to gain awareness! The Westfield Fire Department is donating 150 smoke detectors to distribute to the public.
Join us for a Constitution and Citizenship Day celebration 9:30 am until 1:30 pm. The parade route begins at MacArthur High School and will end at Lone Star College - East Aldine Center. There will be lots of fun, citizenship stories, voter registration, and much more. Download the Parade Entry Form (PDF)
So much is going on in our communities! Come practice different writing methods to help get your emotions out. Register Today This class is limited to 30 people and participants must be at least 16 years old.