East Aldine Management District staffers joined local residents at the Texas Capitol on Wednesday, June 22, as they urged the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission to reform the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to better protect Texans from environmental hazards.
Chief on the minds of East Aldine residents who testified at a hearing was a company’s pending application to the TCEQ for permission to construct and operate a concrete “batch” plant in the neighborhood, adjacent to James Driver Park and a residential subdivision. The state agency has granted preliminary permission for the company to move ahead, but further hearings on the application are pending.
Read more about the proposed concrete plant here.
This year the TCEQ is up for review by the Sunset Advisory Commission, which periodically evaluates the performance of all state agencies. The “sun sets” on any agency found to be no longer necessary. Written comments about the TCEQ may be submitted by Monday, June 27.
The East Aldine District thanks the residents for attending the hearing as part of a one-day roundtrip and urges all Texas residents to express their opinions about state government to their state representatives and/or at the many public hearings.