A Message from the Executive Director

We remain under an order issued by County Judge Lina Hidalgo to Stay Home and Work Safe until at least April 30. District staff will continue to work remotely and district offices will remain closed until further guidance is provided by the federal, state or local governments.

District services including public safety and security, graffiti and litter abatement, ROW maintenance, and bandit sign removal, are operating on their regular schedules, while following enhanced safety procedures that include protective gear and social distancing.

We remain committed to helping our law enforcement partners in doing all we can to protect and serve our businesses and keep the community safe. You can contact the Harris County Sheriff’s Office non-emergency number at (713) 221-6000. Remember to always call 9-1-1 in case of an emergency.

You may contact District staff as follows:

We sincerely hope that you, your families, and your businesses are doing well as you navigate these uncertain times. We know that together, we can and will weather the pandemic, and be even stronger going forward.

David Hawes
Executive Director

Support your local Businesses!

The East Aldine Management District proudly supports our local restaurants and urges residents to do the same by buying fresh, healthy prepared food for curbside pickup or delivery from these vital businesses. “Buying local” helps restaurants survive financially until the coronavirus-related restrictions are lifted and food can once again be served inside the restaurants, where so many of our hard-working friends and neighbors are employed.


Houston Recovers

Families needing help with housing and food assistance should visit Houston Recovers which features a list of city departments, community groups and businesses offering assistance to the public and providing opportunity for residents to assist with COVID-19 response. Get assistance, donate, volunteer and more! After all, we are all in this together.

The Houston Food Bank

The Houston Food Bank and its Partners are also providing food and other essential services and they remain operational, while utilizing the best available safety precautions to protect their works, volunteers, and the public they serve. If you need help or want to donate or volunteer, please visit Houston Food Bank.

Nextdoor – Stay Connected and Help your Neighbors!

Nextdoor has lots of helpful ideas and resources for neighbors to help neighbors during this time of critical social distancing. So check them out and sign up to receive news in your neighborhood and get to know your neighbors!

Important Lone Star College Dates

  • Registration for Summer and May Mini now open
  • Registration for fall 2020 begins Wednesday, April 15
  • Apply for Financial Aid Early Decision through May 4
  • All LSC facilities remain closed until Monday, May 4

Visit LoneStar.edu/OTS for technical support and LoneStar.edu/Student-Resources for additional information.


Looking into resources for homemade face masks? The CDC has a good reliable source that shows different ways to create homemade face masks. Visit CDC – How to Make a Facemask to learn more.

Aldine ISD News

Visit AldineISD.org/healthalerts to get important health alerts from the school district.

Prayers Requested

The District would like to ask that the community continue to pray for HCSO Sgt. Ray Scholwinski who has been hospitalized with COVID-19 and is currently on a ventilator. Ray is the patrol coordinator for the district’s public safety team and he’s a trusted and reliable friend to the district board and staff.


Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia has created a COVID-19 resources page in English and Español. Visit her COVID-19 Resources Page to keep up to date with what is happening in the 29th District.

Check out COVID-19 updates from the Northeast News and consider supporting their great work as The Fourth Estate with a subscription so the news is delivered right to your door or inbox!

COVID-19 Changes Everyone’s Life and Important News About Testing Sites


There are child-friendly yoga poses and workouts on this YouTube kid’s app.

YMCA of Greater Houston has closed all locations but is offering virtual workouts.


Visit 365 Things to do in Houston to learn about all the fun ideas they have assembled for you to  on virtual events, music venues, and more to enjoy on line while still practicing proper social distancing.

AND ABOVE ALL – Mind Your Mental Health

5 tips to mind your mental health during the coronavirus lockdown

10 apps to help manage coronavirus-related stress

100 things to do while stuck inside due to a pandemic

Some of our favorites from productive to downright silly fun include:

  • Serenade your neighbors: Dust off that old instrument and give a live concert.
  • Learn something! Use Duolingo, or a similar app, and teach yourself a foreign language or learn a new hobby like photography or watercolor.
  • Put on a soap opera, old movie, or foreign film. Mute the sound. Create your own dialogue.