Volunteers Needed for Research Study on Home Buyouts in Aldine
Is your home or apartment subject to the Harris County Voluntary Buyout Program? You can volunteer to participate in the Harris County Home Buyout Study.
Is your home or apartment subject to the Harris County Voluntary Buyout Program? You can volunteer to participate in the Harris County Home Buyout Study.
Residents & supporters East Aldine residents who had launched verbal fireworks against the proposed expansion of a concrete batch plant in their neighborhood had plenty extra to celebrate on July 4. A day earlier, residents received a letter from the plant operator, Yellow Jacket Readymix LLC, that it was withdrawing a request to [...]
“I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty.— President John F. Kennedy, October 1963 Adickes,Silva The East Aldine Management District celebrates its newly installed giant bust of President John F. Kennedy as a gateway to a community that is pursuing grace and beauty through the arts. [...]
Adickes Some of artist David Adickes’ legendary larger-than-life sculptures of heroic American figures line Interstate 10 near downtown Houston. The unofficial name of his cluster of busts of four U.S. presidents is “Mount Rush-Hour.” His 67-feet-tall statue of Sam Houston looms over Interstate 45 in Huntsville, Texas. But Adickes, 96, considers a new [...]
The foundations of the Texas economy — especially in the Houston region — lie deep underground. Houston-based oil and natural gas industries with a global reach help drive local prosperity, and drilling will be critical to the growing geothermal power and carbon capture storage sectors. So, for one Norwegian company that makes fittings for ultra-deep [...]
Popcorn and snow cones | just bring a blanket and chair
Appointments only | ID and proof of East Aldine residency required
Watch the video and check out the photos of the East Aldine Neighborhood Depository & Recycling Center ribbon cutting ceremony held on May 18, 2023.
Grant money is available for your training needs. Train today. Grow tomorrow. Click here to learn more.
Click on the images to see what BackerRipley East Aldine has planned for June, 2023.