One-on-one student mentoring

Bonding Against Adversity thanks East Aldine Management District for their support of this program and welcomes all our volunteers for this new challenge of being a part of our One on One Mentoring for Students with Potential program. A special thanks to the volunteers and Helen Suan for attending the first volunteer training. We had [...]

2011-09-19T18:29:34-05:00September 19th, 2011|Community|

Strategic Partner Awards 2011

The strategic parent awards are given out each year to recognize strategic and community partners who make a difference in east Aldine. Categories include: • Chairman's Award • Governmental • Educational • Public Health • Community and Youth • Public Safety • Business • Volunteer of the Year 2011 Winners Chairman's Award: Senator Mario Gallegos [...]

2012-03-22T00:41:26-05:00September 13th, 2011|About the District, Community, Economic Development, Events|

Aldine Scholarship Foundation 2011

The Aldine Scholarship Foundation (ASF) awarded 83 scholarships, its most ever, to Aldine ISD seniors during a ceremony held in their honor at Lone Star College-North Harris on May 18. The scholarships will allow the seniors to continue their academic careers. Since its inception in 1991, ASF has awarded 844 scholarships to deserving AISD students. [...]

2012-03-22T00:41:41-05:00September 13th, 2011|Community, Events|

Aldine Scholarship Foundation 2010

Sixty-six Aldine ISD graduating seniors received the chance to continue their academic careers in college when they were awarded Aldine Scholarship Foundation (ASF) scholarships during a ceremony held in their honor on Thursday, May 20 at the M.O. Campbell Educational Center. Since its inception in 1991, ASF has awarded 761 scholarships to deserving AISD seniors. [...]

2012-03-22T00:41:56-05:00September 13th, 2011|Community, Events|

Strategic Partners Awards

Enjoy pictures taken by Roan Matthews from the East Aldine 2011 Strategic Partner Awards and Reception Dinner. District officials, business partners, legislators, educators, and community members attended the dinner. East Aldine 2011 Strategic Partner Awards and Reception Dinner - Images by Roan Matthews

2011-09-20T12:21:13-05:00March 10th, 2011|About the District, Community, Events|

City of Houston 2011 Redistricting Town Hall Meetings

Help shape the future of our community. Attend a Redistricting Town Hall meeting and tell us what’s important to you. Each meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 3, 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Any interested party may attend any meeting. District D 1001 Bissonnet St. – Law Building, Auditorium ‐ Museum Fine Arts‐Houston, Convenient to these [...]

2011-09-02T17:22:27-05:00February 24th, 2011|Community, Events|

MacArthur Team says “Thank you”

The East Aldine District Board of Directors were presented a photo of the 2010 MacArthur HS Cross Country Track Team as a thank you to the board for their support of the team. Coach Kelly Silha and the team presented the photo to the Board at their August 16, 2011 meeting.

2011-10-20T23:42:21-05:00February 22nd, 2011|Community|

10 Years of Success

The District kicked-off their 10th Anniversary Year with a cleanup in our Keith-Wiess Park. With assistance from community partners: Bonding Against Diversity, the Boy Scouts, Harris County Sherriff’s Department, YMCA, Harris County Emergency Corps, Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services, City of Houston Parks and Recreation Department, and the Mac Arthur Generals, over 130 [...]

2012-02-24T19:29:47-06:00February 22nd, 2011|About the District, Community, Events|

City of Houston Redistricting 2011

The City of Houston Charter requires that the Houston City Council expand to eleven single-member districts at such point that census data demonstrates that the City's population exceeds 2.1 million residents. With the much anticipated release of the 2010 U.S. Census, the City will begin the process of redistricting in order to add those districts. The City [...]

2011-09-02T17:11:41-05:00February 18th, 2011|Community|
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