Identity Theft: Are You Protected?

Presenter: Ms. Tamla Groce Vice President, JPMorgan Chase Houston, Texas You are invited to H-GAC’s July Brown Bag Series presentation, “Identity Theft: Are You Protected?” by Ms. Tamla Groce, Vice President, JPMorgan Chase. Tamla has more than 18 years of experience in the financial and insurance industries. As National Account Manager for the Chase At [...]

2012-07-12T16:57:46-05:00July 12th, 2012|Community, Events|

TWDB approves a $10,5 million grant/loan to EAMD

AUSTIN – (June 21, 2012) – The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) today approved by resolution a grant in the amount of $9,909,094 and a loan in the amount of $577,000 to the East Aldine Management District (Harris County) from the Economically Distressed Areas Program to finance water and wastewater services. The District intends to [...]

2012-07-01T19:08:17-05:00July 1st, 2012|Community, Projects|

EAMD breaks ground on water and sewer project

HOUSTON, TX (June 26, 2012) – Ground-breaking for an extensive water and sewer project to benefit the residents of 50 East Aldine homes took place Friday, June 22 near the corner of Bertrand and Shady Lane. EAMD Mary Eleanor / Mary Frances Sanitary Sewer Phase 1 Groundbreaking Ceremony, Jun 22, 2012 from e-Vision 1 Productions [...]

2012-07-30T17:40:58-05:00June 27th, 2012|Community, Projects|

Lone Star College-North Harris 2nd Annual Destination College

On Sunday, May 27, 2012 Lone Star College-North Harris held their 2nd Annual Destination College. The event was held at the St. Leo the Great Catholic Church at 2131 Lauder Road. Visitors of the event not only received valuable information about the college, but also enjoyed food. Face painting, a moonwalk, and games entertained the [...]

2012-05-31T21:59:34-05:00May 31st, 2012|Community, Events|

Eighty-eight AISD seniors receive ASF scholarships

The Aldine Scholarship Foundation (ASF) awarded 88 scholarships, its most ever, to Aldine ISD seniors during a ceremony held in their honor at Lone Star College-North Harris on May 22. The scholarships will allow the Aldine ISD students to continue their academic careers. Since its inception in 1991, ASF has awarded 932 scholarships to deserving [...]

2012-05-29T22:13:20-05:00May 29th, 2012|Community, Events|
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