On Vanishing + Sights, Sounds & Drive-In Cinema

Upcoming Events On Vanishing May 17-18, 5:30PM Presented in collaboration with Asia Society Texas Center, On Vanishing, a new site-specific choreographic work by Jonah Bokaer. Originally created for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in response to the exhibition Lee Ufan: Marking Infinity, On Vanishing will be recreated for the Texas Center in response to Relatum [...]

2012-05-14T22:10:42-05:00May 14th, 2012|Community, Events|

Houston area’s emerging paddling trails

The mission of the Bayou Preservation Association (BPA) is to protect and restore the richness and diversity of our waterways through activism, advocacy, collaboration and education. BPA focuses its efforts on the 22 watersheds in the greater Houston area. The BPA spearheaded the development of the Buffalo Bayou Paddling Trail, which received its official designation [...]

2012-05-13T23:55:41-05:00May 13th, 2012|Community, Projects|

2012 Strategic Partners Awards

East Aldine District held their annual Strategic Partners Awards Reception on Thursday, April 12th 2012 at the Greer and Lowdermilk Conference Center in Interwood. The district recognized a number of community leaders at the event that have partnered with the District to improve the east Aldline area in may different ways. Introductory remarks were made [...]

2013-06-21T14:27:13-05:00April 30th, 2012|Community, Events|

Next METRO Transit Academy class scheduled for June 2012

METRO is excited about a new leadership development program called METRO Transit Academy that is designed to educate advocates about transit operations, initiatives and challenges. The goal of the program is to enhance awareness about METRO, create partnerships with the community and develop a platform for transit advocacy efforts in the Houston region. A key [...]

2012-04-24T19:03:26-05:00April 24th, 2012|Community, Events|

Crime Stoppers support National Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Crime Stoppers is committed to educating our community on child abuse prevention and fighting child abuse in our community. They teamed up with Studio Movie Grill to show the award winning documentary Family Affair on a family’s struggle with child abuse, and conduct a panel discussion about fighting [...]

2012-04-24T15:44:27-05:00April 24th, 2012|Community, Events|

H-GAC Brown Bag Lunch Series presents EcoDriving

Mike Speck, Senior Trainer at EcoDriving Solutions will talk about EcoDriving as part of H-GAC’s May Brown Bag Series. Mike is a former endurance race driver and professional driver coach who now earns his living as a dynamic speaker and a certified instructor in the process of eco driving as an employee of EcoDriving Solutions. [...]

2012-04-24T18:43:48-05:00April 24th, 2012|Community, Events|

Aldine ISD’s Partner to Partner Newsletter

April 2012, Edition Dear Education Partner: We are currently in the middle of our busy testing season as our students take the state’s new assessment, STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) for grades 3-8. Eleventh graders will take exit level TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) next week. STAAR EOC (end of [...]

2012-04-20T17:28:10-05:00April 20th, 2012|Community|

LSCS Small Business Development Center News

The Lone Star College System presents in its April Newsletter a lot of good information and offers great opportunities to make your small businesses successful. It's Tax Time. Check out these tax tips from Karlins and Ramey...read more The Current Houston Economy At a Glance. A very easy, but detailed view of our local economy [...]

2012-04-20T01:03:25-05:00April 20th, 2012|Community, Economic Development, Events|
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