About District Staff

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So far District Staff has created 2215 blog entries.

That now-famous “art bus” turns another corner

As Houston artist and inspired educator Ronnie Cabrera’s Cinderella story grows, so does her workspace. Her original traveling studio and classroom that has helped enrich public events in the East Aldine Management District, is the 115.5 square feet inside a used school bus called the Art Bus. Funding surprise! In fact, she and [...]

2022-05-03T15:30:52-05:00May 2nd, 2022|My East Aldine|

Town Center building reaps double honors in real estate contest

On behalf of the people it serves, the East Aldine Management District is proud and humbled at the same time now that the Town Center's new, multi-use office building was named among the Houston area's three top commercial real estate structures in two categories in the Houston Business Journal's annual Landmark Awards. The office building, [...]

2022-04-28T16:25:21-05:00April 28th, 2022|My East Aldine|

Concerts return to Town Center with zest and bright future

Live music has returned to the East Aldine Town Center amphitheater for the second year in a row, drawing the attendance of jazz and Latin music fans as well as relatives and friends of student performers allied with the Diaz Music Institute. But behind the rhythms and showmanship are qualities that many leaders expect will [...]

2022-04-26T18:10:18-05:00April 26th, 2022|My East Aldine|

Seeking Latino/a/x Participants for Research Study

My name is Pamela Hernandez, Ph.D. and I am a researcher with EDUCO Research. We have been commissioned by Mi Familia Vota-Houston, Coalition for Environment, Equity & Resilience (CEER), and Service Employees International Union-TX (SEIU-TX) to conduct a research study on Latino perspectives on climate change and energy in Harris County, Texas. We would like [...]

2022-04-26T11:40:32-05:00April 26th, 2022|Community, Partner Newsletter|

Join a Listening Session About COVID-19 Vaccinations and Receive $50

Notable findings in the January and February 2022 Pulse Survey reports: People who had insurance were more likely to get vaccinated, compared to people without insurance. Supports neighborhood coordinator observation that people without access to a primary care doctor were more hesitant to get the vaccine.  Unvaccinated folks had much lower trust in Covid information [...]

2022-04-26T10:40:18-05:00April 26th, 2022|Community, Events|
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