Eye-popping pop-up markets provide colorful crafts for Easter

They’re as perennial as the bluebonnets, paintbrushes and buttercups that line Texas’ roadways in spring: Colorful displays of piñatas, cascades of cascarones, bunches of bouquets and baskets. Several “Peeps Pop-up" markets lined streets throughout the East Aldine District Friday and Saturday as entrepreneurs and fund-aisers set up their annual Easter displays in the rite of [...]

2021-04-03T18:38:25-05:00April 3rd, 2021|Community, Economic Development, My East Aldine|

Town Center progress is boosting East Aldine to prosperity

Before building a new Town Center, officials of the East Aldine Management District literally had to move mountains. Or at least one very large mound.  For years, the 61.6-acre tract of land at 3000 Aldine Mail Route Road was used to hold tons of dirt excavated from areas of Harris County for the construction of flood control and [...]

2021-04-01T16:45:22-05:00April 1st, 2021|Community, My East Aldine|

Graffiti abatement program keeps East Aldine District looking good

In every major city, wherever there is an empty wall space, one might find the not so special artwork of graffiti casting a blight on the surface. While some may think of it as wasted artistic talent, this type of nuisance and eyesore can pose a threat to public safety, or even subject an area [...]

2021-03-31T23:11:15-05:00April 1st, 2021|Community, My East Aldine|

Aldine ISD’s director of Early Childhood Learning addresses the pre-K enrollment crisis

Research shows that children who participate in high-quality pre-K programs are more likely to read on grade level by 3rd grade, and that students who do have a greater chance of graduating from college and being career-ready. But pre-K enrollment has fallen short across the nation for a variety of reasons, and now it has [...]

2021-04-01T13:24:25-05:00April 1st, 2021|Community, My East Aldine|

Aldine-area organization continues to help immigrants who help themselves

The United States citizenship process is no easy task, but Bonding Against Adversity is striving to help members of the community complete the process from start to finish.  Thomas Burdette, president and chief executive officer of Bonding Against Adversity, and Mariana Sanchez, chief operation officer, created BAA in April 2010. The two had been working [...]

2021-03-11T03:28:31-06:00March 11th, 2021|Community, My East Aldine|

Time to celebrate industrious women at a neighborhood “pop-up”

In honor of International Women’s Day – and to promote women entrepreneurs in East Aldine – a special market will “pop up” Saturday, March 6, at an event center on the Eastex Freeway. “Babes Support Babes” is the name of event, which will include vendors, food, entertainment and music. And, undoubtedly, demonstrations of the high-stepping [...]

2021-03-03T19:22:11-06:00March 3rd, 2021|Community, My East Aldine|

Indulge or be healthy? At this hut and cafe, you decide

There will not be a huge midway with funnel cakes and fried Oreos this season: The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo has been canceled due to COVID-19. But residents of the East Aldine are able to get both decadent treats. At the Big Kahuna Hut, located at 11902 Aldine Westfield Road, those rodeo favorites can also be washed [...]

2021-03-03T00:21:50-06:00March 2nd, 2021|Community, My East Aldine|

Dazzling street-level art brightens the District landscape

A pleasing touch of moonlight, flowers and sunshine came to East Aldine just in time for Valentine’s Day. But the feel-good objects won’t fade away like the holiday. They are permanent neighborhood decorations known as Mini Murals, which are hand-painted and clear-coated on traffic signal control cabinets at two key traffic intersections where Aldine drivers, [...]

2021-02-26T20:01:04-06:00February 26th, 2021|Community, My East Aldine, Projects|

Cake pops are sweet for Valentine’s or any day

“A party without cake is just a meeting.” -- Julia Child  Late at night, while her family is sleeping, Laura Lumbreras is busy in her kitchen, cooking the sweet treats for her home-based business, Pookie Pops. Her strawberry chocolate cake pops are always popular at Valentine’s Day, but her new specialty is a toasted marshmallow confection known as a [...]

2021-02-01T15:54:19-06:00February 1st, 2021|Community, Economic Development, My East Aldine|
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