AISD’s Partner to Partner Newsletter

January 2015, Edition Dear Education Partner: Each January, the Governor of Texas proclaims School Board Recognition Month in Texas to honor the thousands of men and women who serve on school boards across the state. They volunteer their time to set policy and serve as educational leaders in their respective communities. In Aldine, we are [...]

2015-01-17T00:48:55-06:00January 17th, 2015|Community|

Lone Star College Bond Election Community Forum

The East Aldine District would like to cordially invite you to the Lone Star College Bond Election Community Forum. LSC-North Harris Interim President Penny Westerfeld will be discussing the college's impact on the community and its plans to accommodate future growth. The forum will be hosted by the East Aldine Management District this Thursday, October [...]

2014-10-28T23:13:50-05:00October 28th, 2014|Community, Events, No RSS|

5 Things Parent Should Know Before Sending Kids to School

HOUSTON (August 18, 2014) – It’s that time of year again: parents are winding down summer plans and tightening the reins on bedtime schedules. And while adding anything else to the back-to-school to-do list may seem daunting, Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital has five tips that will make going back to school this year easier than [...]

2014-08-23T01:19:56-05:00August 20th, 2014|Community, Resources|

Mayor’s Fourth Annual Back-to-School Fest

Servicing 25,000 pre-registered children from various Houston-Region School Districts • Backpacks • School Supplies • Immunizations • Haircut vouchers • Vision screenings • Other services Due to limited school supplies, this event is only open to pre-registered elementary school students (K-5th grade) who reside inside the City of Houston. For additional information and to register, [...]

2014-06-10T15:17:49-05:00June 10th, 2014|Community, Events|

AISD’s Partner to Partner Newsletter

May 2014, Edition Dear Education Partner: May is a particularly busy time as year-end celebrations, awards ceremonies, concerts and banquets are held throughout the district to recognize students for their academic, athletic and artistic accomplishments. At the May 20 Board meeting, dozens of students were recognized, along with their parents, for their accomplishments in academics, [...]

2014-05-24T00:32:20-05:00May 24th, 2014|Community|

AISD’s Partner to Partner Newsletter

December 2013, Edition Dear Education Partner: The Board of Trustees reorganized during its Dec. 17 Board meeting. The nominating committee, chaired by Dr. Viola M. Garcia, named Steve Mead president, Dr. Garcia vice-president, Dr. Alton Smith secretary and Rose Avalos assistant secretary. Trustees Rick Ogden, Patricia Ann Bourgeois and Merlin Griggs will serve as members. [...]

2013-12-20T20:44:48-06:00December 20th, 2013|Community|
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